Senin, 22 Juli 2024

Membuat Tempat Sampah Pintar Arduino

Suka bingung ketika lagi gabut. Mengajar? sudah. Mempersiapkan bahan ajar buat besok? sudah. Nagasih makan ikan di kolam sekolah? sudah. Ngeraphin taman sekolah kecil-kecilan? sudah. Enaknya ngapain lagi ya?. Disitulah jiwa kepo ku muncul. 

Set, langsung buka layar laptop, pegang mouse, connect internet, duduk diem anteng. Dive!

Waktunya memfasilitasi otak kanan yang haus akan ilmu. ketemulah video bagus buat eksperimen. Sambil nyeruput teh hangat, antenglah kita memperhatikan video ini. 


Tapi kalo mau buat, bahan-bahannya dari mana? langsunglah kita buka tab baru, laman tokopakedi kita cari barang-barang yang sesuai. Barangnya apa aja? nih kita kasih tau deh. 

  1. Arduino uno  (

  2. Kabel Jumper Male to male (

  3. Kabel Jumper Male to Female (

  4. Sensor Ultrasonic HC-SR 04 (

  5. Motor Servo SG90

  6. Tempat Sampah

  7. Mini BreadBoard (

  8. Aplikasi :

  9. Code      :

  10. Wiring    :…

Akhirnya barang dari tokopakedi datang, langsunglah kita rakit sambil nyemil basreng hahaha. Setelah berjam-jam kita ngutek kaya orang bener, taraaaa. Akhirnya jadi juga “Tempat sampah pintar hasil Kegabutan”. Nih kita spill jadinya.

Semoga kalian juga bisa ya, isi waktu luang dengan hal yang bermanfaat. Sampai ketemu di postingan selanjutnya! byee

Selasa, 23 Juni 2020

English Fair, 14 November 2019

This year’s English fair has been integrated with Reading Diploma program and the result was hilarious. The main goal is to motivate students to love reading and at the same time, students are given a chance to express their own thoughts about the books that they have been reading, from   changing its ending to reviewing its author. It was a rough road but there were lots of lessons that have been learned. Lastly, to make this English fair memorable we required all students and teachers to wear their favourite fictitious character’s costume and published an original poetry book compilation. Everybody had a blast of fun and It was a day to remember. 


HARI GURU "Teacher’s Day, 25 November 2019"

Our National Teachers Day was celebrated on the 25th of November. This day is dedicated to all the teachers and staff who play a vital role in shaping the lives of students. This event  also shows respect and gratitude for everything they do and did.  Indonesia's education minister, Mr. Nadiem Makarim, had sent a very inspiring speech for this special day. The speech begins with an apology and ends with inspirational words. Nadiem called on all educators to engage their students in discussions, rather than telling them to just listen; to give students a chance to try teaching in class; to initiate on social programmes that could be participated in by the students; to help pupils who lack confidence and unlock their talents; to offer help to other teachers who are in need.  

The Teacher’s Day Celebration was held in our school  by listening to the speech of Indonesia’s education minister being read by Mr. Reynalda Madjid during the Monday ceremony. It is the day to honor our teachers and show them how important they are in our lives. This also helps students understand the importance of education and the role played by teachers in the learning process. By the way, the celebration is not over yet, we will have a grand celebration on Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Celebrating the Teacher's day at school was one of the finest memories we had  from our school days. We begin by preparing a surprise to our teachers. We put all fancy decorations along with letters and notes are events that left a mark in our memory. Thus, the students had also given a thank you speech for their teachers and staff. That was such a wonderful scenario!
To all teachers, you are heroes! 
Happy Teachers Day.   

Academic Writing Workshop, 16 November 2019

Two days after the English fair which focuses on reading literacy, an academic writing seminar has been given to all Secondary students. We invited Ms Melanie J. Maclang to be our speaker and motivator for the said event.

The seminar aims to motivate and enrich students capacity to write academically. Moreover, it had given tips and suggestions on how to develop one’s writing skills and had promoted the urge to love reading. We hope that the seminar will guide students to hone their academic writing and pushes them to love reading.

Here are some feedbacks from the students:
“it was fun making different story introductions” - Amanda G7B
“it was fun and informative” - Fahri G8B
“very useful in answering exams” - Kyra G8B
“helpful in writing clearly” - Kanaya G8B
“It was a good training for writing stories” - Syaima & Azra G8A
it motivated me to read and write properly” - Zidan G12


Parenting Seminar, 16 November 2019

On  the 16th of November, parents and teachers joined the parenting seminar at Musholla Al Madjid, Mutiara Harapan Islamic School with Ms. Rahmi Dahna as the main speaker. On that special day, she talked about how to be good parents. She said that don't ever try to get married if you are not ready to educate your children. 
Every kid needs  full attention from their parents. No matter how busy you are as a parent, you have to spend quality time with your children where you can ask their condition and feelings. Thus, you must have some "quality time" with you, so they will feel safe and secure.
Some parents asked about how to prevent their kids from gadget addiction? How to be a friend to them? She answered, stating as good parents, we have to encourage our kids to give time for other useful activities rather than playing their gadgets  all day. These activities are as follows; reading Qur'an, joining organizations, going on recreation activities, traveling around the country, trying some new culinary disch, doing some outdoor activities and exploring new dance styles. Furthermore, those activities are beneficial to kids and also it will increase their physical abilities. The answer to the second question was,  if your kid is a teenager, you need to  treat them as a friend. Listen to them first before you speak. Then, schedule quality time once a week and enjoy your moment with them as their best friend. 
As we know, teachers are considered second parents at the school. Thus, in our institution which has  the islamic teachings, InshaAllah, teachers can be good role models for the students. Lastly, to all parents and teachers, let's strive  to educate our children to be responsible citizens of our country. 
-Experience is the best teacher, once you failed don't ever give up because you still have another chance-

SEMINAR ANTI NARKOBA "Anti-Drugs Awareness Seminar, 15 November 2019"

Say NO to Drugs!

As part of English Fair, we also held an Anti-Drugs Awareness Seminar in our Mini Theater. This seminar aims to widen students' knowledge on the use of illegal drugs and provide students with an understanding of the dangers of these drugs. Thus, literacy does not only require students to read and write but also gives a richer understanding about what is going on in their environment.

This seminar was given by Mr. Syahril Dahlan and the #cukupgue community. Besides giving a discussion about different types of illegal drugs, the characteristics of drug users, and the impact these drugs. Mr. Syahril invited children to role-play with the #cukupgue community. These role playing aims to let children know what are the conditions, characteristics and the effects of different illegal drugs if taken.

Anti-Drugs Awareness Seminar was warmly welcomed by the students. Students were also entertained by the way Mr. Syahril delivered his session. In addition, the #cukupgue community also performed a number of songs which the students found entertaining.

Hopefully, this event can be held every year in order to educate and improve students' literacy regarding personal and environmental health because of the dangers of illegal drugs which are lurking at all times.