Minggu, 16 Juni 2019

Scout and Leadership Camp, 28-29 March 2019

One of the biggest events held for Junior and Senior High this school year is our annual Scout and Leadership Camp.  This year, the camp was held in 28-29 March 2019 at Pondok Zidane, Sawangan, Depok. This two days event was created with the purpose of building students’ teamworks and leadership skills. Aside from that, this event became the first official step to mark the MHSU (Mutiara Harapan Students Union) regeneration which the voting was held last month.
On Wednesday, 28 March 2019, all students gathered at school for preparation and duah before went to Jurang Mangu Station. Students was divided into 11 groups and each group was accompanied by one teacher. Each group used school bus to go to Jurang Mangu Station before continuing the journey by commuter line (KRL). During the train journey, students can experience the rush and joy of using public transportation. The train journey took about two hours started from Jurang Mangu and ended in Citayam Station. Arriving in Citayam Station, students and teachers continued the journey by angkot and fully arrived in Pondok Zidane at 12.30.
The first activity after arriving in Pondok Zidane was Dzuhur Pray and lunch. In the middle of lunch,  the rain suddenly pouring so hard making students and teachers unable to directly go back to their respective rooms. The next activity which previously scheduled to be held in the main hall,  had to be moved in female students’ room due to heavy rain. The activity which led by Miss Dea was about building students’ potential in leadership by noticing their positive sides. It was a very eye-opening activity for students as they can see themselves in more positive lights. During this activity, all MHSU members were divided into several departments which they would be responsible with. The afternoon activities, then, continued by Ashr Pray and some games such as Dressing, Snow Transfering, and Bantank Games. For the games, group 11 able to take 3 wins, while group 2 took 2 wins.
During the second half of the first day, students had many activities varied from Maghrib and Isya Pray, Reciting Quran, Bonfire, and Inauguration, and ended with sleep. For the second day, students started the activities very early by doing Muhasabah at 2 in the morning, continued by Tahajjud, Tadarus, and Subuh Pray. To refresh all the energy, especially after a long morning, students gathered in the main hall to exercise by doing Senam Maumere. Just like in the first day, the second day was also full of games for building students’ teamworks. Each group had to cross several obstacles and making a scout stretcher. For this game, the winner for girl was group 9 while group 2, once again, won the game for boy. All the activities in the final day were closed by playing flying fox, horse riding, and swimming.
The journey back to Tangerang had been an unforgettable moment. While the first train from Citayam to Tanah Abang Station faced zero problem, the unfortunate circumstances happened during the Tanah Abang transit. On that day, the route from Tanah Abang to Palmerah experienced technical faulty which resulted to train delays and overcrowding in the station. After discussing the issue, teachers believed that it would be difficult and dangerous for students to continue the journey by train. With many considerations, teacher decided that each group accompanied by one teacher hailed online car rides to get back to the meeting point (Bintaro Exchange Mall).
Overall, it was a very fun, inspiring, and unexpected event. Students can experience true life skills in which they are faced with real life problems they might never encountered before. Great Job, Students! 

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