Kamis, 08 Agustus 2019

Fun Orientation Day, 15-17 July 2019

Welcome to MHIS! School is an exciting time filled with learning and fun. The new students Fun Orientation Day (FOD) program is here to help you adjust to MHIS life. The mission of the FOD  is to help you, students, to make an easy transition from primary to secondary stage. These orientation sessions will be the first big step for students from being in the secondary level.
On the first day, students had been given the opportunity to meet new friends and the outlook of the secondary classroom. After that, the Fun Orientation Day was opened by Ms Dea at the big field. Then, students did Halal Bihalal with all the members of MHIS.
After halal bihalal session, students went to the fourth floor and did the ice breaking part by playing, skipping boom. The demo of excul came afterwards while the Master of Ceremony, Ms. Ira, led the event well.
After the excul demo, students did a school tour. They met many people inside the building of mutiara harapan. Moreover,  Students also had team building led by the student union of Mutiara Harapan. The students seemed to enjoy the first day of fun orientation day.
Day 2 students had lined up with so many activities. BTQ placement test and also Cambridge School introduction were some of the activities.  The introduction of Cambridge included Mapping of cambridge curriculum and the benefit of taking cambridge exam. Besides that, the principal presented the students handbook which talks about: proper uniform, late policy, permission and leave, praying jamaah, school calendar, lists of subjects, optional subjects, SEP, and extracurricular.
After that Mr. Firman demonstrated a Science for fun activity. Gasoline explosion, paper vs chopstick, The strongest foundation, magic number, and dynamic fluids are the lists of Science demonstration. It was interesting for students because they didn’t only watch the demo but also they experienced doing it. After the Science demo, students returned to their respective homeroom classes.
On the last day of FOD, students from Grade 7 and 10 met their schoolmates from Grade 8, 9, 11 and 12.  They visited other classes and introduced themselves. After that Zidan and Kalisya introduced all the members of MHSU. They acted as the president and Vice President of Students Union of Mutiara Harapan.
After the Fun Orientation day was done, we would like to say good luck for the 2019/2020 academic year. May all the academic and non academic success will be achieved by all the  students.

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