Rabu, 02 Oktober 2019


On the last day of August this year, the secondary department of Mutiara Harapan Islamic School wholeheartedly opened its doors to Grade 6 and Grade 9 parents; an event named Internal Open Day.  The objective of this activity is to encourage the parents to enroll their children  at MHIS next school year.

The opening ceremony was held at 9 AM where selected students led the Quran recitation, shared experiences inside the school, and effortlessly performed the Ratoeh Jaroeh. Their performances were admired by all. Then, the performances were followed by Miss Dea Kania’s  discussion of  MHIS’ Five Principles and Programs.  She also asked the parents to raise their questions which she enthusiastically answered. After the opening ceremony, the Grade 6 parents went to their respective rooms. Half of the participants went to Mr. Raymond Solis’ room where they learned about adjectives. The other half of the participants went to Mr. Jazzer Emmanuel’s class where they learned about elements and compounds. The parents were so energetic answering the activities and they enjoyed being students again just for one day.  Miss Ira and Miss Audina handled the homeroom sessions before the two gentlemen delivered their lessons. Specifically, they led the Dua’ opening, checking of  prayers, and Surah memorization (QS. Al Mursalat). After the demonstrations, the parents went back to the examination room to see the  Administration booth, MHSU booth, textbooks to be used, and some projects created by students. In the afternoon session, the Grade 9 parents experienced the aforementioned series of events. Mr. Khaven refreshed the minds of the participants on how to write poems. 

The parents went home with smiles on their faces knowing that MHIS will cater the needs of their children. Their expressions proved that the event became successful.   

Family Day, 29 August 2019

To strengthen the bond between parents, teachers and students, we are so proud to create a family day within our Islamic fair activities. The result of this special event was astounding, memorable and overwhelming where you can see  friendship, joy and happiness overflowing. 

Islamic Fair, 29 August 2019

Secondary Islamic Fair 2019 created so many projects than last year. Students applied some topics into projects with their creativity and passion.
Grade 7 made  short movies which were inspired by Muslim scientists. They made act based on their daily life and connect to value that they get from muslim’s characters. The Muslim character they chose is from lokal: B.J. Habibie and  Buya Hamka and from outside: Al-Khawarizmi and Muhammad Al Fatih. Students want to remind us to improve our learning skills and learning to do something.  
Grade 8 made the calligraphy and Halal food and drink bazaar. They make a couple of styles of calligraphy that is Naskhi and Riq’ah.   Students demonstrated on how to make a calligraphy and explained more about the interpretation of the verse that they had written on their canvass. There are 3 calligraphy topics: Tawadhu (Humble), Tabdzir (Avoiding wasteful) and Halal Food and Drink.
Grade 9 making Islamic design and put into tote bag and bookmark. Students were divided into 4 groups: Optimistic, Ikhtiyar, Tawakkul and Tolerance. Every group make 4 designs for tote bag and book mark. Students tell us the important to stay optimistic and keep positive to Allah SWT. We have Allah SWT who can realize all our dreams to make it happen.  Why did the students chose tote bag to put on their design? First, it’s zero waste, go green. Second, students can put their creativity on the tote bag to inspire Islam to others. Third, we educate people about Islam because it’s a part of Dakwah. 
Senior made an interactive Android game. That game was  integrated with their ICT lessns. So, students can apply their Islamic  knowledge into ICT to make a game. Students wanted to remind us about Islamic knowledge which is, Quran-Hadith, Aqidah, Akhlaq, Fiqh and History of Islam. Why a game? because Indonesia is the largest gadget user population and also games are good way in preaching without being fooled. Scan this barcode and enjoy your game!
Beside the students projects, there were  performances from students and teachers too. Students performed memorizing 3 surah in Juz 29: Al-Qiyamah, Al-Insan and Al-Mursalat. Students perform ed Al-Qiyamah regularly, Al-Insan by reverse, and Al-Mursalat only odd ayah spectacularly. Lastly, some students and teachers performed nasyid. We also have family time with parents after exploring the  booths, we sat together and enjoyed some dishes.

One Day with Upper Secondary, 23 August 2019

On the 23rd of August 2019, Mutiara Harapan Islamic School Secondary Department held a One Day with Upper Secondary event for the Grade 9 students. This  event is especially organized in order for Grade 9 students to experience what it is like to be an Upper Secondary student here in Mutiara Harapan. Grade 9 students joined Math, Physics and ICT classes together with their seniors. Secondary students helped prepare the engaging activities in each booth and assisted their Grade  6 young brothers and sisters in every session.

We capped off the event by selecting and awarding the most active participants for each subject.  Overall, it was an enjoyable and refreshing experience for both grade 9 and senior high-’ students as they were able to engage in various fun activities, develop friendship and cooperation. Grade 9 students will have  something to look forward to when they move up to senior high here in our beloved school.

One Day with Lower Secondary, 23 August 2019

“The joy of learning is as indispensable in study as breathing is in running.” 
Simone Weil

On that breezy morning, sixty Grade-6 students were invited to experience studying and witness how secondary students face their lessons on a daily basis. They were divided into four groups and accompanied by selected Grade-8 students who ushered them to each prepared booth. 

Furthermore, the activities went well and we are confident to say that it was a success. We can see the joy and excitement on each student’s face before and after the program which is uplifting. Thus, our four booths are as follows : Poetry Booth, Language Booth, Science Booth and ICT Booth.

Eventually, at the end of the program, some students had been selected as outstanding participants who will receive a certificate of recognition. Hence, their achievement is meant to encourage other students to have that achiever’s mentality and passion in every activity that they will encounter. Congratulations to all Grade-6 achievers!  We are proud of you!

Nevertheless, we hope that this program had given something unique and inspiring experience to all participants and decided to continue their higher education with us here in MHIS Secondary department.

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge” 
 Albert Einstein

Independence Day Celebration, 19 August 2019

“Tetaplah menjadi satu. Jangan sampai ingin terpecah. Gapai angan dan cita-citamu di masa depan yang cerah. Raih prestasi terbaikmu, dan Buat bangsa ini pun bangga. Selamat hari kemerdekaan.” - Anonim
We met again with the high-spirited month of August and once again, we celebrated our annual event of Independence Day Celebration! This year, the celebration was held on August 19 with various activities which could trigger the spirit of nationalism of all students and teachers.
This year's celebration, we focused on showcasing students’ talents and abilities on various Bahasa Indonesia and teamworks related activities which aligned with this year’s theme “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”.

Right after the ceremony, all the students along with their 17 Agustus themed t-shirts and attributes, were ready to show their practice results on various games held in this year such as Sepak Bola Sarung, Lomba Musik Kreasi, Lomba Pidato, Lomba Cerpen, Lomba Cipta dan Baca Puisi, and Lomba Estafet. 
Here are the list of students who won the competition in the Independence Day Celebration 2019. We are really proud of them!

Sepak Bola Sarung
First Winner: Senior High
Second Winner: G8 combination

Lomba Estafet
First Winner: G8A
Second Winner: Senior High

Lomba Musik Kreasi
Best Performer: G7B

Lomba Pidato
Best Performer: Farrel (G9)

Lomba Cipta dan Baca Puisi
Best Performer: Nayla (G8A)

Lomba Cipta Cerpen
Best Performer: Kia (G8A)

Independence Day Ceremony, 19 August 2019


August is a month of celebration! As a nation, we celebrate our beloved country’s Independence Day every year on August 17. This year, Mutiara Harapan Islamic School celebrate the Independence Day on Monday, August 19 and secondary students had the honour to be in charge for the flag ceremony.
Prior the event, all the students participating in the ceremony had been restlessly practicing even during the weekends, especially for the Paskibra Team. They understood the importance of this event and all of them had to show a good teamwork in order to deliver great results and performances.
On August 19, the D-Day, all students were ready to show their hard work. In front of all the teachers and students from preschool, primary, DC, and secondary, they had proven that constant practice resulted in a good result. All the members of officer, paskibra, and choir had successfully run the flag ceremony smoothly without any major obstacles.

Great job, Team!
Here are the list of students who participate in the Flag Ceremony Independence Day 2019. We are really proud of your accomplishment!

Paskibra Team

  1. Rania (Grade 8A)
  2. Syaima (Grade 8A)
  3. Audyva (Grade 8A)
  4. OU Ghaffar (Grade 8A)
  5. Arya (Grade 8B)
  6. Nayla (Grade 8A)
  7. Keiza (Grade 8B)
  8. Kirana (Grade 7B)
  9. Fazle (Grade 8A)
  10. Alya (Grade 8B)
  11. Muh Reza (Grade 10)
  12. Athalla (Grade 10)
  13. Keiza (Grade 7B)
  14. Garsyad (Grade 7A)
  15. Fardhan (Grade 8B)
  16. Nyrinda (Grade 8B)
  17. Nahla (Grade 8B)
  18. Nabriez (Grade 7B)
  19. A. Rafi (Grade 7A)
  20. Kyla (Grade 7A)
  21. Dyandra (Grade 7A)
  22. Fatima (Grade 7A)
  23. Anaya (Grade 7A)
  24. Zaskia (Grade 8B)
  25. Sabrina (Grade 8B)
  26. Mizard (Grade 8A)

Choir Team

  1. Amanda (Grade 7B)
  2. Zahwa (Grade 7A)
  3. Dinda (Grade 7B)
  4. Rayhan (Grade 7B)
  5. Zaki (Grade 7B)
  6. Fahri (Grade 8B)
  7. Zahra (Grade 7A)
  8. Rafif (Grade 7B)
  9. Farrel (Grade 9)
  10. Nanda (Grade 8B)
  11. Marsya (Grade 7B)
  12. Kalisya (Grade 8A)
  13. Kia (Grade 8A)
  14. Vania (Grade 7A)
  15. Alea (Grade 7A)
  16. Aurel (Grade 8A)
  17. Aisyah (Grade 8A)
  18. Michelle (Grade 9)
  19. Farren (Grade 9)
  20. Ranaa (Grade 9)

Officer Team

  1. Hanif (Grade 7B) 
  2. Syafieq (Grade 7A)
  3. Hafiz (Grade 7B)
  4. Abin (Grade 8B)
  5. Ahmad (Grade 10)
  6. Ninda (Grade 8B)
  7. Una (Grade 7B)
  8. Gyan (Grade 7A)

Qurban Slaughtering, 12 August 2019

On August, 12th- Qurban was celebrated as a symbol of sacrifice made by a servant to Allah. It is an act of obedience as well as an expression of gratitude for all the blessings Allah has provided for us. There are two ways with which we can see how gratitude and qurban (slaughtering animals) are related. First, qurban is a means to extend the good relationship with relatives, neighbors, guests and fellow Muslims. The slaughter then becomes a phenomenon of happiness and gratitude for every blessing Allah has given to human beings, and so it is a highly recommended expression of thanking God for His bounty: 
“But the bounty of the Lord - rehearse and proclaim (by thanking Him)” (Ad-Dhuhaa/93: 11)
Secondly, qurban is an affirmation for everything we have received from Allah. The animal created by Allah is indeed a blessing for humans, and that He has allowed them to slaughter it for them to eat. In fact, the slaughter is a way to draw closer to Him.
Making qurban is devotion most beloved by Allah in Nahr day, as narrated in a hadith by At-Tirmidzi from ‘Aisyah (pbuh) that the Prophet once said:
“The son of Adam does not perform any action on the day of sacrifice that is more endearing to Allah than the sacrifice of animals; the animal will come on the Day of Resurrection with its hair, horns and hooves (for reward). Verily the blood has reached Allah before it drops to the ground. So make yourselves purified therewith."
Mutiara Harapan Islamic School had run a Qurban Slaughtering event on Monday, August 12, 2019 . The event began by having Monday Ceremony and du’a.  After that, some students and teachers went to the Muhyiddin Mosque to do the qurban together. Started at 08.00 am and finished at 11 am. After slicing process, the meat distributed to all Mustahiq (those who deserve the meat). There are 3 cows and 17 goats in total. 
Thank you to all committees, students, parents, and The Foundation of Mutiara Harapan Bangsa for supporting the event. Hopefully, next year will be better and greater celebration. May Allah bless what we have done this year.

Report from Homeroom Teacher 7A

Alhamdulillah we already had passed the Independence Day, smoothly. This month has many academic and non academic activities. We hope students will keep their motivation in sailing through their learning journey.
Starting this August, students have already started extracurricular and SEP. Students learned so many things from this non academic activity. They practiced very hard. For excul students in coding for example, they are now in the progress of making the animation movement. By time, they will create a simple game purposed for their peer as the user. For basketball the results can be seen from the sparing score, they are making progress as a basketball team. Different from basketball, archery excul they prepare them self in shooting range of 15 m and also a youth archery championship. Moreover, from Saman, they have already covered one song dance, now they are in progress of synchronizing all movement as team.
From different side, for SEP students have practiced very hard in Paskibra from a month ago. As they did a very great final show during the Independence Day ceremony. We as the teachers are very proud with the performance. As a wise word say:  
“Those at the top of the mountain didn't fall there”.
This month of August is also the starting point of community involvement (CI). Some students have proposed a very great plan of CI, some students need revision. After the plan was approved, students may continue to the execution of their CI plan.  
The events of Qurbani slaughtering, Islamic Fair, and Independence Day celebration have also ran very well. We would like to say thank you to the support of parents for their precious time, advice, and also effort that make these events succeeded.  
Finally, English fair and MHx events are next and have been waiting. We hope the best for students and let us support them with everything we can to make this learning journey becoming a meaningful and enjoyable moments in their life that they will remember