Rabu, 02 Oktober 2019

Qurban Slaughtering, 12 August 2019

On August, 12th- Qurban was celebrated as a symbol of sacrifice made by a servant to Allah. It is an act of obedience as well as an expression of gratitude for all the blessings Allah has provided for us. There are two ways with which we can see how gratitude and qurban (slaughtering animals) are related. First, qurban is a means to extend the good relationship with relatives, neighbors, guests and fellow Muslims. The slaughter then becomes a phenomenon of happiness and gratitude for every blessing Allah has given to human beings, and so it is a highly recommended expression of thanking God for His bounty: 
“But the bounty of the Lord - rehearse and proclaim (by thanking Him)” (Ad-Dhuhaa/93: 11)
Secondly, qurban is an affirmation for everything we have received from Allah. The animal created by Allah is indeed a blessing for humans, and that He has allowed them to slaughter it for them to eat. In fact, the slaughter is a way to draw closer to Him.
Making qurban is devotion most beloved by Allah in Nahr day, as narrated in a hadith by At-Tirmidzi from ‘Aisyah (pbuh) that the Prophet once said:
“The son of Adam does not perform any action on the day of sacrifice that is more endearing to Allah than the sacrifice of animals; the animal will come on the Day of Resurrection with its hair, horns and hooves (for reward). Verily the blood has reached Allah before it drops to the ground. So make yourselves purified therewith."
Mutiara Harapan Islamic School had run a Qurban Slaughtering event on Monday, August 12, 2019 . The event began by having Monday Ceremony and du’a.  After that, some students and teachers went to the Muhyiddin Mosque to do the qurban together. Started at 08.00 am and finished at 11 am. After slicing process, the meat distributed to all Mustahiq (those who deserve the meat). There are 3 cows and 17 goats in total. 
Thank you to all committees, students, parents, and The Foundation of Mutiara Harapan Bangsa for supporting the event. Hopefully, next year will be better and greater celebration. May Allah bless what we have done this year.

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