Kamis, 08 Agustus 2019

Reports from MHSU

Hello everyone, a quick update on our MHSU after the election this month. We were able to get a number of important factors into place such as divisions and programs. We ended up into four divisions: social, environment, sport, and religion.
Every division has its assigned members. In Religion division there is Gaffar, Keca, and Qia. In Social Entrepreneur division there is Ranaa, Adel, Arya, Uma, Rania, Fahri, Syaima, and Alya. In environment division there is Aurel, Aisyah, Kyra, Abin. Last but not the least in sports division we have Shakira, Farrel, and Nanda.
Furthermore, the programs that are going to be run by the students were being distributed to each division. For the social division, they have MH-radio, wall magazines, and social media usage. For the environment division, they have English speaking awareness and go green programs. In addition, there is one event that will be held by two divisions which is the students awareness program . For the sports division, third is the basketball program and finally the religion division with charity programs, girls talk and muhadoroh.
Those are the programs we had achieved for the month of April. Hope to see you next time.

Independence Day, 19 August 2019

We have met again with the high-spirited month of August and once again, we will celebrate our annual event of Independence Day Celebration. This year, the celebration will be held on August 19 with various activities that will trigger the spirit of nationalism of all students and teachers.
Independence Day Celebration will begin with Upacara 17 Agustus and it will be participated by all divisions starting from the Preschool to Secondary. Moreover, Secondary students will have the honour of becoming the flag ceremony officers and the flag ceremony choir. Furthermore, after the ceremony, the students will engage in various games and competitions related to the Independence Day theme.
This year celebration, we will focus on showing students’ talents and skills on Bahasa Indonesia where they can participate in exciting competitions such as Lomba Cipta dan Baca Puisi, Cipta Cerpen, and Lomba Pidato. Aside from the competition, we will also have the traditional 17-an games that will surely live up the atmosphere and challenge their teamwork.

Community Involvement Program

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated that:
خَيْرُ الناسِ أَنْفَعُهُمْ لِلناسِ
"The best man is the most beneficial to humans"
(HR. Ahmad, ath-Thabrani, ad-Daruqutni)
This hadith  is hasan according to al-Albani in Shahihul Jami 'no: 3289

This year, Community Involvement Program is run starting Grade 7 up to Grade 12 to maximize the benefit for the students. This program aims to develop students’ awareness and responsibility in embracing and giving back to the community including those who are less privileged.

Community Involvement is held in  August 2019 until March 2020.

  1. August, 7th 2019 (start the introduction and planning)
  2. August, 7th 2019 – March, 2nd 2020 (period of community involvement)
  3. April 2020 (report submission)

The target of the Community Involvement should  be prioritized for the community near the school or near the student’s house and must be social and disadvantageous community.  In this program, parents are responsible for finding communities, signing acknowledgement form and providing facilities, such as transportation. Along with this newsletter, we are sending you the Community Involvement Manual.

Fun Orientation Day, 15-17 July 2019

Welcome to MHIS! School is an exciting time filled with learning and fun. The new students Fun Orientation Day (FOD) program is here to help you adjust to MHIS life. The mission of the FOD  is to help you, students, to make an easy transition from primary to secondary stage. These orientation sessions will be the first big step for students from being in the secondary level.
On the first day, students had been given the opportunity to meet new friends and the outlook of the secondary classroom. After that, the Fun Orientation Day was opened by Ms Dea at the big field. Then, students did Halal Bihalal with all the members of MHIS.
After halal bihalal session, students went to the fourth floor and did the ice breaking part by playing, skipping boom. The demo of excul came afterwards while the Master of Ceremony, Ms. Ira, led the event well.
After the excul demo, students did a school tour. They met many people inside the building of mutiara harapan. Moreover,  Students also had team building led by the student union of Mutiara Harapan. The students seemed to enjoy the first day of fun orientation day.
Day 2 students had lined up with so many activities. BTQ placement test and also Cambridge School introduction were some of the activities.  The introduction of Cambridge included Mapping of cambridge curriculum and the benefit of taking cambridge exam. Besides that, the principal presented the students handbook which talks about: proper uniform, late policy, permission and leave, praying jamaah, school calendar, lists of subjects, optional subjects, SEP, and extracurricular.
After that Mr. Firman demonstrated a Science for fun activity. Gasoline explosion, paper vs chopstick, The strongest foundation, magic number, and dynamic fluids are the lists of Science demonstration. It was interesting for students because they didn’t only watch the demo but also they experienced doing it. After the Science demo, students returned to their respective homeroom classes.
On the last day of FOD, students from Grade 7 and 10 met their schoolmates from Grade 8, 9, 11 and 12.  They visited other classes and introduced themselves. After that Zidan and Kalisya introduced all the members of MHSU. They acted as the president and Vice President of Students Union of Mutiara Harapan.
After the Fun Orientation day was done, we would like to say good luck for the 2019/2020 academic year. May all the academic and non academic success will be achieved by all the  students.

Halal Bihalal, 15 July 2019

Welcome Back in New Academic Year!
تَقَبَّلَ اللَّهُ مِنَّا وَمِنْكُمْ
May the grace of Allah light up your heart and bless all of you. On July 15th 2019, Mutiara Harapan Islamic School  held a “halal bihalal” event to celebrate the Eid Fitri. This event was attended by all principals, staff, teachers, and students from playgroup until secondary level on the first day-off to school.
Halal bi halal activities are the school's opening activities. Greetings from teachers, staff and students  who are enthusiastic in welcoming the 2019/2020 academic year. Thus, we all gathered at the big field and shook hands with each other.
Our school director gave greetings to us. He said “best wishes for 2019/2020 Academic Year, may Allah SWT ease and bless our endeavour. Let us sacrifice our today so that so that our children can have a better tomorrow”.


New Parents Meeting, 12-13 July 2019

On July, 12th - 13th we had run a parents meeting for the Grade 7 and 10 parents. The meeting was held for one and a half day. We believe that, to start a good communication and collaboration between the school  and parents, we should sit together to inform, explain and clarify  the school program and rules.

We had a discussion on the school programs for 3 years, the academic information, extracurricular, SEP and other co-curricular program as well as the parents handbook. I would like to thank all of the parents who had made their time in attending the meeting.

Report from 7A, Your New Homeroom Teacher!

Salman Al Farisy class officially welcomes parents and students to our lovely classroom, 7A. Students have spent a great moment in Primary and now they are in Secondary. There will be more challenges for the upcoming projects and assignments but don’t worry, we will get through this together.

There are programs that benefit students for becoming a good secondary student role model. This month, several 7A students have joined basketball, paskibra, and choir. We wished them good luck, because the basketball team will face a competition for MHx 3.0 in September, whilst the paskibra and choir will perform for the independence day celebration. For a special news,the  paskibra has been training with one of the experienced PPI (Purna Paskibraka Indonesia) member Tangsel chapter.
Independence day, Islamic fair, and Qurbani slaughtering are the  nearest events in August.
Let’s do it together since Mr. Zen can’t do it alone without your help. Let’s gather together,
be independent students, and good role model for Mutiara Harapan Islamic School because ..
“Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit.” 

Best wishes for 2019/2020 Academic year, may Allah SWT ease and bless our endeavour.